I've never been completely happy with the bridge over the long straight. It's narrow, drops in height too quickly, not fully supported along its length so not flat enough, and the clipped on barriers on the sides keep dropping off.
So thanks to Andy's big car, I got some more MDF and cut a long length to support the track over a steady six foot drop, that then continued losing height around the corner, so the track isn't table height again until the apex of the corner.
This looks and races much better, and allows more space to store cars underneath the elevated track. I raised the corner piece of scenery and added some more fencing from Slot Track Scenics.
Another minor addition - a marker to indicate exactly where to stop to refuel, as the sensor in lane 2 can't be seen easily if there is already a car refuelling in lane 1. The sign is made by Playmobil and I stuck a graphic of a fuel pump over the original image.